This is my favorite time of year. No, I do not mean fall or autumn. I mean Halloween! Of course, the best Halloween is one that falls on a Friday or a Saturday, but even when it does not (like this year) it is still great!
I love to disguise myself in an intricate costume (details, details!) and go out in public or to parties crowded with friends who spend most of the night asking each other "Who IS that? Do we know that person??" The greatest compliment I could receive to my disguise-making attempts is when someone who sees me daily - or even weekly - states with sincere amazement that they had know idea it was me.
Keeping in sync with my color infatuation du jour, I went as my favorite fictional character.

That's right, The Wicked Witch from
The Wizard of Oz. Something about her unabashed green-ness and her unapologetic over-use of black in her wardrobe has always appealed to me, even as a youngster. And don't get me started on that fabulous, full length cape!!
The party I went to (with my best bud, Margaret) was a fundraiser for a local event attending by at least 150 or so others. Although alot of people were not in costume and were only there to support the cause or see the show, there was a great cohesiveness among the painted and the unadorned. All said, I took home a prize to enjoy later, but it is the memories of the look of shock and discovery on my friends' faces that I will long carry with me.
On the fiber front, I finished the Maggi-O socks. They turned out pretty well. The best thing is that they actually fit her.

I tried something different with the toe and heel sections of the "pattern" this time. I love the tweaking process when I am creating a new base-pattern for something I will make several times in the future, but I think I finally have a process and stitch pattern I can be comfortable with for a long time to come.
After my shower last night to de-green myself, I sat listening to a cd and worked on the crocheted lace project some more. Now that the sock thing is down and the happiest day of the year is behind me, I can truly give this project the focus it deserves. (Plus, time is running short and I need to have it completed
soon!) Here's a little teaser photo for those of you that like that sort of thing.

Now, if I can just stay focussed and not allow another fiber-related distraction...
Yeah, yeah, I know. Slim chance of that...