I acquired additional fiber at the Fest (big surprise!) along with a great bag I found on clearance! Here's a pic of the haul:

So what's a fiend to do? You guessed it. Start yet another piece. The idea of the finished felted bag jumped to the foreground of my mind fully formed. I used the Himilayan wool with recycled silk, also gained at the Fest - choosing to ignore the label that read "60% wool, 40% silk." Any good fuller knows that this combination normally spells disaster in the fulling process, but I proceeded on blind faith. The yarn seemed like wool, true enough, and I could see the multi-colored silk throughout, but I could scarcely believe it was 40% silk! I would take my chances!!

I finished crocheting the bag in one evening and spent only a few hours on the felting process. Normally, I like to felt everything by hand, in the kitchen sink. Afterall, with a front-load washer, it's kinda hard to add boiling water to the machine mid-cycle. But just the thought of all that sqeezing and pressing hurt my hands, so this time, I started the piece in a machine at a laundry mat. (You can imagine the stares of all the people doing it "right" as I squirted dishwashing liquid into the washer like it was only natural...) Three "hot" wash cycles later I returned home and let the bag dry overnight before completing the process in my kitchen sink.
After a few beads and a handle, I now have this drying on the craft table:

Besides, all the fashion mags say bright colors are IN this spring. Just in time...
1 comment:
So glad your bag worked out so well! The photo is a bit dark on my screen, but the shape is clearly perfect!
I sure missed you guys this fest, though it has been so busy here it has been distracting me from that thought. We did go to Chicago for an overnight last Sun./Mon. (it's less than 4 hours from here) and had a great time.
I hope you get much rest this week, and much happiness from the new stash acquisitions!!! (Um, Jer... I thought bright colors were always in style... LOL)
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